Privacy Policy regarding the Processing of Personal Data

General Aspects

Moving Concept respects the confidentiality of all its customers and will handle/process personal data with great care, under appropriate technical and organizational security conditions. Therefore, we will dedicate all necessary resources and efforts to process your data in full compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR"), as well as any other applicable legislation in Romania.

Through this document, we aim to inform you about how we collect, use, transfer, and protect your personal data when you interact with us regarding our products and services, including through our website or through our consultants.

We reserve the right to periodically update and modify this Privacy Policy to reflect any changes in the way we process your personal data or any changes in legal requirements. In the event of any such modifications, we will display the modified version of the Privacy Policy on our website. Therefore, please periodically check the content of this Privacy Policy.

Who we are and how you can reach us

SC Moving Concept SRL, persoană juridică română, care are ca obiect principal de activitate servicii mutare.

SC Moving Concept SRL are sediul social în Strada Trei Brazi nr 10, sector 4, Bucuresti, tel. 0763107119, înregistrată la Oficiul Registrului Comerţului sub nr J40/8885/2014 , cod fiscal nr. RO33427718, având contul nr. RO13 RZBR 0000 0600 2001 9989 deschis la Banca RAIFFEISEN BANK ,reprezentată de Vasluianu Carmen, cu funcţia de Administrator.

Suntem deschiși să aflăm opiniile dumneavoastră, precum și să vă furnizăm orice informații suplimentare de care ați putea avea nevoie cu privire la prelucrarea datelor dvs. In acest sens, vă încurajăm să contactați Responsabilul nostru cu protecția datelor la adresa de e-mail sau prin poștă sau curier la adresa sediului in Str Trei Brazi nr 10, sector 4, București, România,– cu mentiunea: în atenția Responsabilului cu protecția datelor.

What personal data does Moving Concept process?

Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal reprezintă orice operațiune sau set de operațiuni, care se efectuează asupra datelor dumneavoastră cu caracter personal, prin mijloace automate sau neautomate, cum ar fi: colectarea, înregistrarea, organizarea, structurarea, stocarea, adaptarea sau modificarea, extragerea, consultarea, utilizarea, divulgarea prin transmitere, diseminarea sau punerea la dispoziție în orice alt mod, alinierea sau combinarea, restricționarea, blocarea, arhivarea, ștergerea sau distrugerea datelor.

In the context of our activities, including contacting you by phone for offers, requests, various personalized inquiries, newsletter sending, we may request certain personal data.

În acest sens, Moving Concept poate prelucra, printre altele, următoarele date cu caracter personal: numele și prenumele, companie/autoritate/instituție, CNP, adresa de corespondenta, telefon/fax, e-mail, pagina web/cont social media, adresa facturare, date privind modalitatea de plata sau orice alte date necesare pentru desfasurarea activitatii de servicii.

We may also collect and subsequently process certain information about your behavior during your visit to our website in order to personalize your online experience and provide you with offers tailored to your profile. For more details, please consult the section on the purposes of processing below.

On our website, we may store and collect information in cookies and similar technologies, in accordance with the Cookie Policy.

We do not collect or process sensitive data in any other way, as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation, including special categories of personal data. Moreover, we do not intend to collect or process data of minors under the age of 16.

Who are the data subjects?

The data subjects whose data may be processed by Moving Concept exclusively for the purposes mentioned below are you, as clients/beneficiaries/participants of our services/products, representatives/authorized persons/business contacts (business partners or contractors, etc.) within companies or public institutions/authorities.

What are the purposes and legal grounds for processing personal data?

We use your personal data only for the following purposes:

  • Telephone contact for requests and offers.
  • Sending price offers.
  • Providing service advice through email or phone.
  • Sending newsletters.
  • Conducting promotional campaigns, contests, loyalty programs, sending newsletters (information bulletins), conducting commercial communications for Moving Concept's services/products, including those developed in partnership with our partners, through any means of communication, including electronic communications services.
  • Providing support services, including answering your questions regarding Moving Concept's services or those of our partners.

Note. Certain processing activities related to these purposes are imposed by applicable legislation, including tax and accounting laws.

Processing personal data for promotional purposes (marketing)

The processing of personal data provided by you (such as name, email address, fax number, mobile/landline number, etc.) will be carried out by Moving Concept for the aforementioned purposes, only with your explicit, unambiguous, freely given, informed, and prior consent, while respecting your rights as established by law and specified in this document.

You can exercise your option regarding such processing by selecting/checking the appropriate boxes in the forms/documents used for collecting personal data.

Regardless of the situation, if you wish to terminate the processing of your personal data by Moving Concept at any time, you can request the cessation of any data processing by us.

Additionally, you can unsubscribe at any time using the "Unsubscribe" button if you no longer wish to receive newsletters or informational materials from Moving Concept.

Moving Concept va considera toate informațiile colectate de la dumneavoastră ca fiind confidențiale și nu le va partaja cu terți fără consimțământul dumneavoastră expres și anterior.

You can change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time by:

  • Accessing the unsubscribe link displayed in the messages you receive from us, or
  • Contacting Moving Concept using the contact details described above.

În anumite situații, ne putem baza activitățile de marketing pe interesul nostru legitim de a ne promova și dezvolta activitatea comercială. În orice situație în care folosim informații cu privire la dvs. pentru un interes legitim al nostru, avem grijă și luăm toate măsurile necesare pentru ca drepturile și libertățile dvs. fundamentale să nu fie afectate. Cu toate acestea, ne puteți solicita oricând, prin mijloacele descrise mai sus, să oprim prelucrarea datelor dvs. cu caracter personal în scop de marketing, urmând să dăm curs cererii dvs.

To defend our legitimate interests, there may be situations where we use or disclose information to protect our rights and business activities. These may include:

  • Măsuri de protecție a site-ului web și a utilizatorilor platformei față de atacuri cibernetice:
  • Measures to prevent and detect fraud attempts, including the transmission of information to competent public authorities.
  • Measures to manage various other risks.

Temeiul general al acestor tipuri de prelucrări este interesul nostru legitim de a ne apăra activitatea comercială, fiind înțeles că ne asigurăm că toate măsurile pe care le luăm garantează un echilibru între interesele noastre și drepturile și libertățile dvs. fundamentale. De asemenea, în anumite cazuri ne întemeiem prelucrarea pe dispoziții legale cum ar fi obligația de a asigura paza bunurilor și valorilor prevăzută de legislatia aplicabila in aceasta materie.

Who are the recipients of your personal data?

Destinatarii datelor înseamnă orice persoana fizică sau juridică, autoritatea publică, agenție sau alt organism căreia (căruia) îi sunt divulgate datele dvs. cu caracter personal, precum cele precizate mai jos, dar fără a se limita la: persoane fizice și/sau juridice implicate în prestarea serviciilor achizitionate, desfășurarea evenimentelor culturale/sportive sau de altă natură, consursurilor, promotiilor, evenimentelor, autorități publice centrale și locale, autorități judecătorești, politie, parchet (în limitele prevederilor legale și/sau ca urmare a unor cereri întemeiate și expres formulate), furnizori de servicii IT, societati de asigurare, etc.

Confidențialitatea datelor cu caracter personal va fi asigurata de către Moving Concept și nu vor fi furnizate către alți terți în afara celor menționați în prezentul document.

In which countries do we transfer your personal data?

Currently, we store and process your personal data within the territory of Romania.

However, in order to provide the purchased services, it may be necessary to transfer certain personal data to entities located in the European Union or outside the Union, including countries for which the European Commission has not recognized an adequate level of personal data protection.

We will always take measures to ensure that any international transfer of personal data is carefully managed in order to protect your rights and interests. Transfers to service providers and other third parties will always be protected through contractual commitments and, where applicable, other safeguards such as standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission or certification schemes, such as the Privacy Shield for the protection of personal data transferred from the EU to the United States.

You can contact us at any time, using the contact details provided above, to obtain more information about the countries to which we transfer your data.

Duration of personal data processing.

In order to achieve the mentioned purpose, Moving Concept will process your personal data for the entire duration of Moving Concept's activities, until you or your legal representative/authorized person exercise your right to object or delete (unless Moving Concept processes the data based on a legal obligation or a legitimate interest). After the completion of personal data processing operations for the purpose they were collected, if you or your legal representative/authorized person do not exercise the right to object or delete according to the law, this data will be archived by Moving Concept for the time period specified in Moving Concept's internal procedures and/or will be destroyed.

How we protect the security of your personal data.

We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal data by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with industry standards.

The transmission of your personal data is encrypted using secure algorithms, and we store them on secure servers, ensuring data redundancy at the same time.

Despite the measures taken to protect your personal data, please note that the transmission of information over the Internet, in general, or through other public networks, is not completely secure, and there is a risk that data may be viewed and used by unauthorized third parties. We cannot be held responsible for such vulnerabilities of systems that are not under our control.

What are your rights?

 In relation to Moving Concept, you have the following rights according to applicable legal provisions:

  • The right to be informed means that you have the right to be informed about how your data is processed and the purpose of the processing.
  • Dreptul de acces înseamnă ca aveți dreptul de a obține o confirmare din partea noastră că prelucrăm sau nu datele cu caracter personal care vă privesc și, în caz afirmativ, acces la datele respective și la informații privind modalitatea în care sunt prelucrate datele.
  • The right of access means that you have the right to obtain confirmation from us whether or not we process your personal data and, if so, access to that data and information regarding the processing.
  • The right to data portability refers to the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and the right to have this data transmitted directly to another controller, if technically feasible.
  • The right to rectification refers to the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected without undue delay. Rectification shall be communicated to each recipient to whom the data has been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.
  • Dreptul la ștergerea datelor (“dreptul de a fi uitat”) înseamnă că aveți dreptul de a solicita să vă  ștergem datele cu caracter personal, fără întârzieri nejustificate, în cazul în care se aplică unul dintre următoarele motive: acestea nu mai sunt necesare pentru îndeplinirea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate sau prelucrate; vă retrageți consimțământul și nu există niciun alt temei juridic pentru prelucrare; vă opuneți prelucrării și nu există motive legitime care să prevaleze; datele cu caracter personal au fost prelucrate ilegal; datele cu caracter personal trebuie șterse pentru respectarea unei obligații legale; datele cu caracter personal au fost colectate în legătura cu oferirea de servicii ale societății informaționale.
  • The right to restriction of processing can be exercised when the accuracy of the data is contested by the data subject, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data; the processing is unlawful, and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data, requesting the restriction instead; if Moving Concept no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but the data subject requires them for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; if the data subject has objected to the processing, pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.
  • Rights related to automated decision-making, including profiling. The data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affects them. The mentioned provisions do not apply if the decision:
  • necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between the data subject and a data controller;
  • authorized by Union or Member State law applicable to the controller and which also lays down suitable measures to safeguard the data subject's rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests;
  • or is based on the data subject's explicit consent.

În cazul în care, dumneavoastră, direct sau prin reprezentant, vă exercitați drepturile menționate mai sus, în mod vădit nefondat, nejustificat sau excesiv, în special din cauza caracterului repetitiv, Raftul cu miresme poate:

  • Charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the requested action.
  • Refuse to comply with the request.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and to seek a judicial remedy.

How to exercise your rights?

To exercise these rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of Moving Concept with a written, dated, and signed request via email: or by mail or courier at tr Trei Brazi nr 10, sector 4, București, România - specifying: To the GDPR Representative
